The Seven Lucky Gods are worshipped as part of a Japanese belief system derived from a blending of indigenous and Buddhist beliefs, and refers to the seven gods Ebisu, Hotei, Benzaiten, Bishamonten, Daikokuten, Jurōjin, and Fukurokuju. The gods originate from various backgrounds, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and the Shinto faith, and if one pays homage to the Seven Lucky Gods, one is protected from the seven misfortunes and will receive the seven blessings of happiness, as described in the Humane King Sutra. Belief in the Seven Lucky Gods dates from the end of Japan’s Muromachi period, was widespread among the people of the Edo period, and has continued into the present day.
Model Number : G-7900SLG
- Mineral Glass
- Shock Resistant
- 200-meter water resistance
- Case / bezel material: Resin
- Resin Band
- Countdown timer
- EL:Blue Green
Release : Year 2019